domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

How important is sleep in your life?

Sleep in many people’s lives is a very un-importaint action, some people take sleeping as the least of their problems when they are stresed and or have problems, but actualy, sleeping is a very importaint action and should be considered on e of the most importaint actions the humman body does in its day to day basis, it is the time when the brain has its alone time to think bproperly about its problems, although it is still very active and never sleeps or shuts down it is still a bit more active in thinking about the problems around us, how we can solve them, and just simply resting the body for another day and preparing it to face the day to day obstacles, whether you are a mail man or  a housewife or even a president your brain is preparing you while you sleep for the nex day. There are many people that think that sleep is not importaint and will prefer to do a homw work or a task or even go out to party and rdrink instead of sleeping and actualy it should be the other side around, every hour of sleep you waste is one hour you brain will recuperate later on in the day by making you feel tired and in some cases ever shut you down in the middle of a bright day of work. So sleep is actualy very impotaint and people should put it on top of every task in their lives.



domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011


In class we had the opportunity of viewing and I might say enjoing a video about dreaming, and what our bodies do when we close our eyes and rest for the night. While we sleep we close our eyes and we think that our bodies shut down but actualy the most importaint part of our body is in its most active stage. Our brain never sleeps I just rests but it dosent rest while we sleep. Our brain uses that time to concentrate all of its enourmous power to repair broken cells and make new ones. It also need to keep us entertained with dreams. While we dream our brain releases all of what we learned that day and it also releases all of what we have ever learned, and it makes a mix of it and makes it into a movie that sometimes hels us learn or pass things to our long term memory. That “movie” is what keeps us entertained during our sleep, it is what we call “ a dream”. No one actualy knows why we have them and it is a mistery their actual purpose but they do help us remember things and they are very useful while we sleep.


lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011



In class we were able to see a video a short documental and educational video that shows us what may be happening to people that are in solitary confinement and what may happen o people that live normal lives and all of the sudden are thrown in to jail and are subjected to solitary confinement. They made the example of the prison of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba that is used for the worst criminals in the world and terrorist as well. All if not the majority of the prisoners there go to be in solitary confinement and most of the prisoners are there for life because of their crimes. IN the video they experimented with some subjects that were volunteers that were put in a bunker all in their separate rooms that were dark and sealed shut with locks just like they were in prison, and they had a bed and a small room with white walls and then more of their senses were played with and the cameras were recording all of their movements ant they were being studied by some psychologists and some scientists. And the effects of not having sight and not having communication and not having most of your senses is really damaging for your brain because you may loose those abilities.
 Words: 216

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Criminal Minds:
In class we saw a video about how the minds of criminals actually work, we learned a great deal of things like for example, the mind of a “normal” person that is not hurt or traumatized works in a completely different way than that of the mind of a criminal, the mind of a criminal works differently because instead of running from danger or violence, it actually makes or is in constant need or impulse to make something that is violent or make a mess in public or in other words it likes to make chaos happen! Scientists that specialize in that field or Psychologists that study criminal minds that are also police officers, say that most of the time a criminal mind is made criminal it is not born like that, it could be a lot of reasons why it could be made criminal, there is a lot of ways, like the following, the mind of a serial killer, could have been traumatized as a youngling because it may have grown up in a bad neighborhood or in a place where killings occurred every day, so it got accustomed to that environment, or the mind of a rapist or a sex offender, could have been traumatized because maybe he was the witness of someone he loved being raped or maybe he got abused as a youngling or even worst maybe his father was a sex offender or a rapist as well, in which case he saw it normal and ok to be a sex offender, or a rapist, but the last reason that I will state is that maybe a criminal mind is made by a brutal childhood or a bad hit in the head that interrupted your brains logic center and as they said in the video, these people don’t have any brakes so what they think when they are mad, they actually do in real life.
Words: 322
  <-- that's HIM!

In class we saw a series of videos about people with brains that are superhuman, and in definition they are geniouses… the last video about human geniouses that we saw in class was about this mas that lives in london and he has one of the most extraordnary brains that anyone could ever have, he could calclate the number pie (3.1495…) wich is an infinite number, upto 25,000… something!!!! He is a human computer! So he was sent to some trips to do some exams and to meat one of the greatest sevants that there is! But first he went to las vegas were they put him to the test to see if he could beat the dealer at blackjack, and eventualy he did but that was way harder than what he thought it would be. Ten he went to meat with this sevant that can not walk or talk that well, but is the greates and most famous sevant there is, and then at laswt he went to take some tests to see if his inteligence realy is real! And it turned out IT IS! He even learned a language in 1 week!!!! In conclusion, there are people that can do extraordinary things in this world! And this is one of them.

My Briliant Brain:
In class we saw a series of videos concerning epople with gifts, and I am not talking about christmas gifts, but real genious gifts. Their was this one particular one that was exeptional, that talkes about your brain being born exeptionaly receptive to new knoledge, and if you train your brain from the right age and from the right time and with the correct intensity, you can be able to acomplish great things, like this one that is a woman that when she was little she suddently recived and interest in playing chess and she started playing a lot and practecing with her father, she could memorize thousands of chess moves and possitions, and she has beat hundreds of grand masters in chess and she herself is a grand master, along with her children and sisters she has trained her brain to be an exeptional chess player.

Words: 151
My AWSOME! Brain!

 (Not mine... the one that belongs to the people in the video)

- In the class we saw a series of videos about people with extraordinary brains that can do things that are just simply INCREDIBLE! To other brains that are “normal”. There was this particular first video that talked about a little Asian child that since he was 3 years old could play any song in the piano by just hearing it once! They say that they were in a birthday (him and his mother) and all of the sudden the little kid heard a melody playing and he saw a piano and he just went for it and started playing it perfectly! This being seen by his mother and  his mother not understanding how he could do it , she was amazed and up to today that little kid is still a musical genius that makes musical acts and sells them out! He is a true genius in music and he has been since very young ages. This is TRULY a brilliant brain.
